Summertime Watermelon card

Hello there, my hot, hot, hot crafty peeps! I don’t know about you but where I live, it is super hot. hot, hot so the challenge at Shopping Our Stash Challenge #368 is right on target! The theme is Hot, Hot, Hot! – Anything hot – weather related, cooking, spicy food, whatever!

I went with what we Texans think of as a summer weather food – watermelon! We eat it plain or with salt or even with this super salty and spicy stuff called Chamoy! Yes, it’s a thing! Google it! We put it on all kinds of melons and even cucumber!

So, join us for the challenge! We want to see your hot stuff!

SOS#368 watermelon

5 thoughts on “Summertime Watermelon card

  1. I see you were pleasing Lauren with the flamingo. Super cute card great thinking of watermelon for “hot” weather which has been never ending this summer.


  2. Maria Rodriguez says:

    Very few things are more satisfying when it’s like 100 degrees outside than a cold, juicy, flavorful slice of watermelon. Love to bite into it and feel the juice dripping all over your clothes.
    Delicious card.


  3. Hi, Cyndi! For some reason, I have missed your blog the last couple of challenges. I don’t know why I try to just go down the list. Anyway, I am catching up1 I think this design was very clever and Iove how you brought all the elements together!


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